Copy a Reservation

The Copy a Reservation command feature in the Reservations Menu area allows you to search for and open an existing reservation and copy the information for the reservation to a different guest or group, or to different dates for the same guest or group. Essentially, the Copy a Reservation feature provides a quick way to generate a new reservation using the information from an existing reservation.

You can use the same dates and room information and apply them to a different guest (for example, if guests are traveling together but not staying in the same room), or you can retain the existing guest on the reservation information and simply change the dates (for example, if the guest will be coming to stay multiple times).

The Copy a Reservation command opens the Select Stay to COPY screen, allowing you to select an existing reservation which then opens its Reservation form, allowing you to create a new reservation by making the necessary changes to the pre-entered information and saving it as a new reservation. The Stay Information screen then appears with the new information as a separate reservation.



Date Updated June 15, 2021